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The player can use grenades and flashbangs when faced with a large group of enemies, as well as a knife for close-quarters combat. How to Download and Install Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Click on the download button below. Some guns have attachments, such as suppressors, and heartbeat sensors. The player will be given specific guns at the beginning of each level but may switch them out with another gun they find. The game features traditional guns, including assault rifles, shotguns, handguns, and sniper rifles. The HUD also displays other information, such as a compass, a mini-map, and the player’s current ammunition count. When the player is shot by an enemy, blood will splatter their heads-up display (HUD), denoting that they have taken damage if the player avoids gunfire by taking cover, their health will recover. Click Here To Download Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Game Full Setup Download Download in Parts Click Here Download In Single Link MediaFire PixelDrain Game Size: 5. The player controls a soldier who can perform several actions, including jump, sprint, crouch, lay prone, and aim down their gun’s iron sights. The gameplay of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 revolves around fast-paced gunfights against enemy combatants. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 PC Full Version Free Download

Choose a mirror to complete your download.Source: steampowered How to Download and Install Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3